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friendship failure

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  • friendship failure

    so i have this one friend and she's been giving me a weird vibe lately. it seems like she doesn't like me anymore. we barely hang out, she never cares about what i say, and she never initiates the conversation. ive been thinking about ending the friendship and blocking her on social medias, but at the same time i don't want to because she's been there for me in the past when nobody else was, and she's going through a lot right now so she may avoid talking to me due to stress. idk what to do

  • #2
    I am sorry you are going through this with your friend. Have you talked to her about how you feel? Does she even realize that she is ignoring you? If not I would suggest having a conversation with her. Please reach out to 2NDFLOOR with this or any other issue. We are here 24/7 by text, phone or message board post. Our number is 888-222-2228. Good Luck!


    • #3
      It's possible she may not know how her behaviors are affecting you. If you're getting a weird vibe, it may be worth bringing up to her. The only way to know the truth is through communication.


      • #4
        If she is dealing with a lot of stressors in her life right now, it is possible that she does not realize the effect that her distance from you is having on you. Everyone deals with stress differently and it might just be best for you to reach to your freind and communicate how you feel. You might learn something iimportant from it and work out any issues that might have surfaced during these times.


        • #5
          We all handle stress differently and if you feel your friend is going through a tough time in her life, try talking to her about it. If she is not receptive, you can try to let her know how you feel about the cold treatment you've been experiencing and perhaps you can give her some space to figure things out on her end. I'd make it clear that when she is ready, I'll be ready to talk. You mentioned she has been there for you in the past so it's important to be clear with communications, but also compassionate given her situation.


          • #6
            I am sorry to hear you are having troubles in your friendship right now. Speaking from experience, sometimes this happens and I do not think you should block her on social media. As you said, she has been going through a lot lately and you do not want to cut her off if she just isn't ready to lean on you for help at the moment. I think patience is key in this friendship and see if she ever decides to come back around. She may just be waiting until she is ready to bring you back into her life.


            • #7
              A lot of times when people are going through stress and major things in their lives they may withdraw from close friends and other loved ones unknowingly. This may be the case with your friend as well. Letting her know that you're there for her if she needs someone to talk to may help her during a time like this. Communicating with her is the best solution as blocking will not solve the issue.


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