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Best Friend Problems

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  • Best Friend Problems

    A while ago my best friend reported me to guidance for being distant and seeming depressed. I didn't get mad at him because it was the truth. I went to guidance and talked to the counselor and she told me to come in twice a week. Then a couple days ago he starts calling me a "fake" victim. It confused the heck out of me because he was the one who reported me to guidance. I decided to give him some space and he got even angrier at me. He stopped talking to me. He told our other friend that he didn't need my negativity in his life. It's ironic because since he isn't talking to me it's making me more upset. He hasn't talked to me for 3 days and it's been hard cause he's my best friend. Does anyone have any advice for me?

  • #2
    I can understand you feeling confused by his behavior. It sounds like he is the one who needs to reevaluate his actions not you. Try not to focus on him, for whatever reason he is having his own issues and that has nothing to do with you. Talk this out with guidance counselor when you go, maybe he or she can bring him in to talk together or not. Just hang in there and keep your head up! If you want to talk, text or call anytime at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      I think my friend is cutting but he's not fully admitting to it. I know that his family life is hard right now and on top of that there's some kind of feud between his girlfriend and some of his friends and he's a bit torn between the two sides. He keeps telling me that it's fine and that its nothing to worry about and to keep quiet about it because he doesn't want to worry anyone. I think he does want me to know he's hurting himself because when I talk to him about it, he subtly drops some details about it, but at the same time, he doesn't want me to do anything about it. I feel like telling him to "stop hurting himself" is just going to make him upset but I also don't know what to say. What should I do?


      • #4
        I am very sorry to hear this. You sound like a really great friend. You should pass along these resources to him...
        You should also try speaking to your guidance counselor at school about this. He needs as much help as he can get. Please pass our number along to him as well. If you would like to discuss this further you can call or text us here at the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228.


        • #5
          Most of my friends are rude to me but in a joking way. but sometimes it doesnt feel like their joking or theyll make fun of something that im rlly insecure about. I never tell them this and idek why. maybe i dont want to seem like i cant take a joke but idk. they point out all of my flaws and they dont mean to hurt me cause they just see it in a joking way but it does hurt and ruins my self- esteem.


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