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My friend cuts and contemplates suicide.. what should i do?

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  • My friend cuts and contemplates suicide.. what should i do?

    My friend who i just met this year had very noticeable scars on her arms. I never said anything but then one day she told me. She said that she always relapses in January. We were texting the other day and said she still cuts but doesnt think about suicide as often. Then today she texted me and was talking about suicide and cutting. I was talking to her and just reminding her how great she is and how everyone loves her. I just told her to call a hotline or talk to her parents or something but she said shes "not that bad but thanks for trying". I dont think she did anything drastic tonight but Im worried for future nights. What are some things i can tell her and some things to help her?

  • #2
    You sound like you are being such a great friend and like you are doing everything possible to help your friend. It is important to recognize that there are so many resources available to help. If she is feeling suicidal, it would be best to call 911 with her or encourage her to do it. It would also be helpful to reach out to an adult that you trust for help, like your parents, a teacher, guidance counselor, etc. You may even want to encourage her to talk to her parents. You can offer to talk to her parents with her, so she does not have to do it alone. Let her know that there are resources available to her that can help her. Check out some resources, like for information. Encourage her to talk to you. You may want to say something like "when you are ready to talk, I am hear to listen." Also, encourage her to call 2NDFLOOR or call with her at 888-222-2228. We are here 24/7!


    • #3
      Still friend was texting me again today

      So my same friend who cuts really bad was texting me again and she has a few times since then. She has recently lost two close friends and I'm worried. She looked like she was recovering but now I'm not so sure. I told my mom because whenever my friend texts me I get really scared and almost have an anxiety attack (I suffer from anxiety). I feel awful because while I do care about her a lot I hate talking to her when she is feeling like this. I want to be a good friend and support her but it stresses me out and I never know what to say and I feel like her entire life is in my hands. My mom told me to make an appointment with the school counselor and I think I'm going to but I just need advice on what to do when she texts me.


      • #4
        Well your mom is absolutely right. You should make an appointment with your guidance counselor at school for you and so that you can have them reach out to your friend. It’s important for you to have support in this situation too, so it’s great that you can confide in your mom.
        If you think at any time that she is really going to hurt herself it would be best to call 911 for her or encourage her to do it. I know it can feel like you are betraying her, but you’re not and you do not want to have that burden on your shoulders if anything was to happen. If she calls or texts again and you get nervous, you might want to say something like “I’m here for you so how can I help?” Remember you cannot fix this for her, so just be a friend like you have been already.

        There is help so definitely take advantage of it, here is a great resource that can be helpful @ Teen Self Injury or call the hotline at (800)366-8288 for information and give it to here as well. There are a lot of helpful categories on the website that can help you with her text messages, read the blogs on the site as well.
        If you need additional help with this call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228. We are here 24/7!


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