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What do I do

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    Guest replied
    It must be really hard when those around you don't seem to understand you. I hope that the evaluation gives you and your family some clarity on your situation. It can be very overwhelming to have so many feelings and emotions without knowing what to attribute them to. Keep being you and being honest with yourself and your family. 2NDFLOOR is here for you and you can reach out whenever you need to.

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    Guest replied
    Thanks, It feels nice when someone actually gets me.

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    Glad you reached out. Happy to hear of your mom's sobriety, good for her and your family! As far as your dad, you don't have any power over his actions or behavior sadly but if you think it would help then try to talk about your disappointment. I know you mentioned that your parents don't want to hear about your feelings but you also mentioned that your mom is in the process of getting you evaluated so she is supporting you in that sense. If you need to talk about anxiety or your potential adhd you can also talk to your school counselor for support. Maybe talking to school could help and they could bring your mom in to talk about this too. You are not a failure for having your mom parent you, everyone can make a mistake or get misunderstood. Try not to overthink it and see what happens when you get evaluated. If you want to talk again text or call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-2228. Here is a resource that offers some tools for managing anxiety

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    Guest started a topic What do I do

    What do I do

    -So i'm sorta in a pickle here, so let me tell you what happened.

    I live with my aunt and uncle, my mom's a recovering addict, clean 10 yrs (Yay!). My dad, Well, He's absent.

    Here's the story:
    So I'm suspecting I have ADHD or Anxiety, but my "Parents" deny anything toward mental health because they wanna be "Normal and picture perfect"
    I text my mom, they see it and lecture me about It's a crutch, etc.
    I think my aunt and uncle Are denying my feelings, but I don't wanna tell them because they'll yell at me about how I'm painting a picture of how they're horrible parents.
    My mom is trying to get me evaluated soon, but for right now I got my phone taken Away for "Poor Time management/Innatentive"
    So for now I feel like an absolute faliure.

    Any ways to fix this mess?

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