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Why does she act like that?

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  • Why does she act like that?

    Hi! Ok, so lately I've been VERY stressed out with my mom. Basically, she is always being completely mean and super irritated. This has been going on all year. Little things I say or do she takes it the completely opposite way and starts cursing and or screaming and acting CRAZY. She has also been fighting with my whole family not just me( But since I am the youngest I guess she thinks "Oh I can do or say anything to her and she wont do a thing") Her and my dad have been constantly arguing for the past week about getting a new house asap, and other things. She always thinks she never does ANYTHING wrong, and takes all of her stress out on me and sometimes my older sibling. Earlier today, we were at lunch and she asked me to get something from the cashier and she already made me upset before we went to lunch so I had mascara dripping from my eyes. I tolled her" I'm too embarrassed" ( Also, I was not confident in how I looked today, teenage stuff. She started acting INSANE saying ridiculous stuff and started a whole fight between my dad and her. She can never stop screaming or yelling anymore. To MAKE IT WORSE. She pulled me out of public school because our towns schools are terrible(That's why were moving hopefully by next year) so at first I LOVED it because It was way better and I could stay in my room and learn at my own pase. My dad disagreed with homeschooling online and wanted me to *Toughen* up which trust me I already saw heard and been through Tough times at school and know how to deal with it. That started a fight a couple weeks ago. Not to mention my dad never listens to me or allows me to share my opinion on things because he thinks he is an expert at everything. My main problem is my mom, I love her so much but I just don't know why she acts like this all the time and then takes it all out on me. She is completely insane sometimes and it drives me out of my mind. I used to love going places with them, but know I would rather stay in my room all day. And when I try to tell her how I feel she starts screeming so whats the point. I went to "Therapy" yesterday because she thinks Im depressed or something...REALLY? YA THINK? I didn't talk the whole time though . UGGGH PLEASE HELP ASAP SORRY THIS IS LONG. OH one more thing also I have ZERO friends because their is nobody in my neighborhood who is somewhat normal.

  • #2
    It's not possible for someone other than your Mom to say why she acts the way she does, it's also not possible to change someone who doesn't want to be changed. The only thing you can do is change the way you deal with her (and your father for that matter). Whatever it is you are doing right now clearly isn't working, you're upset alot and seem very stressed about dealing with them. It could also be that you are around them all the time since you are now homeschooled. It's possible that once you move and get re-enrolled in school things might get a little less tense. It's also possible that once you're enrolled in school you might make more friends. In the mean time, check online for social sites (with your folks permission of course) of other kids who are homeschooled. It's a way to have friendships and develop social skills for homeschool students. One technique that might work is not feeding into the fighting. A person cannot fight by themselves. Let your mom have her rant, listen and answer questions respectfully, but don't yell back and continue fighting. I'm not saying that is easy, but feeding into fighting allows it to continue. Call us anytime to talk further at 888-222-2228.


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