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My parents gave up on me

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  • My parents gave up on me

    I'm 16 enrolled in 3 hnrs courses, oldest of 5 siblings, and i do club soccer along with HS Volleyball, Soccer, and Bowling. My 4 siblings all do club soccer. I know my mom has a lot on her plate but i kind of too. You can disagree with me on this cause i dont know what i'm doing right or wrong. All i know is that i'm always stressed out more often then ever and to relieve my stress i play like 1 or two games of this game called League of Legends. Right now i have a B-, C+, B- in my Hnrs History class which isnt that good, a B-, C+, and B in my hnrs Geometry class and a B+, A-, B+ in my Hnrs English Class. In my hnrs courses im doing not that good, but in my Chem class i have a A+,A-,A- then in my Latin Class i have a A-, A-, A; Criminology class i got an A+ and A- and in my financial Lit class i have a A- so far... So this morning i missed my bus because i am a very heavy sleeper, i was studying last night because i had a test today and she yells at me for staying up too late and playing on my lap. Honestly, i will admit to play League of Legends quite a bit, but when i do play she sees me playing. Then when it's homework or studying she never see's me study or do homework. So she always believes that i am playing. When i was younger i was in a bad habit of lying, they werent big lies but they were little white lies. Now everything i say or do is a lie. So back to this morning, my mom says that i dont do anything to contribute to the house, all i do is eat, sleep, and take a crap. Then she goes on to how she should just kick me out of the house since i am lazy and what not. I acknolege my laziness sometimes but you know, when i actually do, do stuff she never acknoleges it. Maybe she does for that particular hour i did something but then its gone and done with. Like over the summer, i practically mowed the lawn the whole summer when it needed to be mowed. I wouldnt be calling it nothing but i think i do a few stuff. I watch my siblings when my mom has to go drive my sister to practice, i make dinner for them somtimes, i clean the basement by myself once in a blue moon same with wshing the dishes. My biggest problem is keeping my room clean. I know that should be easy but my siblings automatically come into my room jump on my bed, hide in my closet, and throw things around; But my mom is NEVER there to see it, and when i do make them get out she yells at me that it's my fault my room is always messy. I understand that some things i am too lazy to do sometimes but other times when i do have my room finally clean, my siblings go about and mess it all up again. I've told my mom this TONS AND TONS of times but its simly just on me every time. Talking to her doesnt help either. There was one talk i had with hhher in the car and she was talking about my sister. Yes i get jeleous of her sometimes because she is the smart one and even more athletic one. Therefore i know my parents favor her. They even said so at one time. My mom was talking to me in the car and she was like "well not to pick favorites but your sister, she gets her work done and she gets good grades, she even gets high honor roll". Well you know i was really pissed off at that point and i really really wanted to yell at her, but i just cant do that. I myself think its wrong to talk back and my parents punish me for that anyway. All throughout Middle School i had high honor roll and maybe for like 2 semesters in all my 3 years of Middle school did i not make honor roll. You know it would've been nice if she didn't make such a big comparison. Before H.S i was just an avergae student, i wasnt every in high anything. Now im in three hnrs because i worked to get there, and now my mom thinks im not good enough or trying my best. There are times she tells me to quit a sport because im not "working hard enough" i work my butt of at everyone of my practices she just doesnt think i do. THen when i argue she goes and says that like school i am lazy. please help....

  • #2
    Have you tried writing your mom a letter? Sometimes that is a good way to collect your thoughts and get them across.


    • #3
      My parents gave up on me

      It sounds like you are really frustrated about not getting recognized for all the good things you do. It also sounds like you have a pretty good idea of the problem areas of your life are too. That's a good thing because it means you can start addressing them. Here are a few ideas that might help. Maybe you and your mom can make up a check list of all the things you are supposed to do and keep it in a public area where you can both see it. This way it will be very easy for her to see exactly what you do each day. Just make sure you do all the stuff you are supposed to do or it will work against you. You can also try to keep a schedule of what you do each day so you can show her that you aren't spending all your time playing games. It may also help you to budget your time better and bring up those grades a bit in the classes you are concerned about. All in all, it sounds like you do have a lot on your plate and are trying your best to succeed in everything. If you feel like it's too much, that's what your guidance counselor is for. Ask him/her to help you figure out your schedule and if there is anything you might be able to switch around to alleviate some of your stress. Keep trying your best and it will pay off one day. Call us anytime at 888-222-2228.


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