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idk what to do

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  • idk what to do

    ive been having a really tough year and have been barely speaking to my mom. I don't really want to see her anymore because of the things shes done in the past. last year was really bad and I cut myself and I really don't want to get to that point again so i'm considering telling my counselor about it but I know once I do he will have to tell my dad and Im scared about how my family will react.

  • #2
    I can understand that it can be scary not knowing how your family will react to this information. However, it sounds like this is something that could happen again, and it's not something that you should be going through alone. You're counselor is there to help you. No matter how they react know that you have support with your counselor and 2NDFLOOR will always support you through a difficult time. If you want to talk more you can call/text 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      I have been having problems at both school and home. School is rough, my friends keep leaning on me emotionally and expect me to know the answers to their problems, but whenever I'm upset, non of them ever ask me if I'm okay or what's bothering me. They always take there anger out on me, as if I was there actual problem. There is this one person who always comes up with a way to get pity from everyone. She always texts me and complains about problems in her life that don't even exist.
      At home, my parents argue a lot. They never have had one day without one misunderstanding. My mom thinks she's always right and she always yells at my dad for every little thing he does. My dad has a huge temper and so far we have holes in the walls from him literally punching his fists into the wall. My brother is older than me and he has asperger syndrome, and all my life I tried avoiding him because to be honest, he terrifies me. Last time he got upset he grabbed a kitchen knife and threatened to stab my mom. He didn't obviously, but I'm not sure if he would because while I was there I had to call the cops and I ran to my room.
      I cut myself, a lot because of all this. My arms and legs are filled with cuts. I told my counselor, but they had to tell my parents and now my parents threaten to take me away from school. I don't know what to do.


      • #4
        Even though you might not think so now, you did the right thing by talking with your counselor. You needed help. Self-harm is something that needs to be taken care of and now you can start the process. If you feel there is danger in the family, you always have the option to contact DCP&P at 1-877-NJ ABUSE and they can come out and do an evaluation of your living circumstances. At the end of the day, your safety and health are the most important thing you have to deal with. Maybe they can set up some form of family therapy to help you guys out.
        As far as your friends, it stinks that they don't ask you how you're doing when you're down and take their anger out on you. Have you ever spoke with them about why they are doing this and how it makes you feel? It's not allowing you to vent your feelings and problems you're having like you are allowing your friends to do to you. Again, you have done the right thing but talking with your counselor and I hope it starts the process of you getting healthy. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.


        • #5
          Im having a hard time because Ive been trough alot in my life and I try doing things to maake it better and my adopted dad came in my room and found burned cups and a bottle of liquor and I got bet with the belt aand I never got beat and i dont know what to o and my grades are very bad and i can fail and i feel like theres nothing that I can do


          • #6
            I'm sorry that you are going through such a difficult time. If you ever want to talk about what you have been through we are here to listen and to help you process it all. It sounds like your step dad didn't like the stuff he found in your room. However, using a belt as punishment is also not ok or appropriate. Like mentioned above, if you feel there is danger in the family, you always have the option to contact DCP&P at 1-877-NJ ABUSE and they can come out and do an evaluation of your living circumstances. We want you to be in a safe and stable environment. In terms of your grades, have you tried speaking to your teachers? Teachers don't want you to fail. You could ask them for extra credit or maybe redo some assignments that you didn't do well on. If you want to talk more you can call/text 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 at 888-222-2228,


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