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  • Help?

    My mom and I had an argument I have been living with my aunt for a week and 2 days, she wants me home but I can't focus home, my grades suffer, she makes us stay up until midnight doing piles and piles of coupons.. I'm on depression meds but since I moved I haven't taken them, she insists on me coming home but I don't want to there's 10 people living in my house, not including me... Loving with my aunt makes me happy but since my parents are my legal guardian they can force me back home. I had a therapist but she moved from the place she worked in, and they haven't assigned me another one... My life feels like it's in pieces... I can't even see my boyfriend because he lives in New York, and I like in New Jersey.. I had a at home Therapist but the services stopped and I need help... I'm in school but I need help, I need someone to talk to.....

  • #2
    Well, you are right that ultimately, your parents do have the ability to say where you live as your legal guardians, but maybe there is a way to work something out with them so you can both be happy with the arrangements (assuming of course your Aunt will allow it). Have you had a discussion with your Mom about why you want to stay there? Maybe you can ask about staying there during the week and coming home on weekends so you can focus on school/homework. If you are enrolled in a place seeing therapy, make a call to them to find out why you haven't been reassigned to another therapist yet. Be pushy if you need to be, your mental health is important. New York and New Jersey aren't too far away from each other, depending on your ages and parental permission, maybe you can set up a visit. If not, Facetime or Skype with him. It's not the same thing as being together, but it's better than not seeing each other at all. Finally, if you want to talk to some one, feel free to call us. We are available 24/7 at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      Well, I will have to talk to my mom and dad about it, but they are pretty set on me going back home, but my aunt wants me to stay here, she knows I'm doing better here. But as far as my therapist, I don't know the number, but I was trying to think of this other organization that came out to help me after I cut myself, they provided me a at home therapist for a while, and I'd like to have her back at least until I get a new Therapist.


      • #4
        Would your aunt be able to talk to you parents about how you are doing living with her? It could help facilitate the conversation. When you talk to your mom and dad ask them what the organization is so that you can contact them and potentially have an in home therapist again. In the meantime (as mentioned above) talk to the agency and have them place someone with you ASAP, because your mental health is extremely important. If you want to talk more call 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline 24/7 or text us daily 4-8PM at 888-222-2228.


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