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  • family

    i don't know where to start. my sister was the only person i could really talk to about anything but she just went to collage in a different state, she is so busy all of the time that i cant even call her. i have been feeling depressed for years now and when ever i walk around the house "mopey" my parents say things aren't so bad or smile more or something like that. suicide is always a thought in my head but i know it wouldn't help. i am in middle school and i am bi so when ever someone says you're so gay or something like that it really hurts and when my parents or my relatives make some gay joke or sexual identity joke it really makes me just want to run away where no one will ever find me.

  • #2
    It sounds like you have been going through a lot of changes in your life. I’m sure it must be hard to not have your sister home like she use to be, but she’ll always be there for you it sounds like, so call her when you’re feeling really down. I also must stress to you, if you feel suicidal to please call 911 immediately or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255. Suicide is a very permanent solution. It definitely will benefit you to talk to a Professional counselor, but right now go to your guidance counselor. Your counselor is there for you to talk anytime you need help and he/she can even get you outside assistance with a counselor on a regular basis. Your guidance counselor can even bring your parents in for you to talk about your feelings to them so you can share how you feel when they dismiss your sadness. Remember, if you never told your parents that you’re depressed then they probably don’t know how serious this is for you!! It’s important that you reach out to someone so that you have support in your life at this time. You are not alone; people are here to help you, day or night! If you want to talk more do not hesitate to call 2NDFLOOR 24/7 at 888-222-2228 or text us daily 4-8PM We want to help in any way that we can and remember you are not alone!
    Last edited by 2NDFLOOR; 12-09-2015, 07:52 AM.


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