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horrible mother

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  • horrible mother

    My mom is an alcoholic. Everyday when she comes home from work she starts drinking the second she walks through the door. When she is drunk she picks fights with me about anything possible, and she verbally abuses me until I break down crying. Now my grandfather (her father) is dying and things have only gotten worse. She drinks until she passes out and when she is not passed out she will take out her anger on me. She will call me all types of vulgar names, tells me constantly how horrible of a person I am, and how I ruin her life. When I cry in front of her it only makes her say meaner things. The other night she made me go out to the store to get her food and she gave me a $20. I bought what she asked me to get her and when I returned she was drunk as usual. I gave her the change back, but the next day she claimed that I never did give her the change and kept it for myself. She then proceeded to tell me that I was a joke and a liar. She told me I never gave her the money back but I know I did. She was just drunk and doesn't remember. She then told me that I didn't care that my grandfather was dying and how I was a horrible person. My dad and sister don't stick up for me. My dad takes my moms side, and my sister is too scared to say anything. My mom only takes things out on me because I'm the oldest. I have talked to my mom many times about how I want her to stop drinking because it affects the rest of the family. She doesn't care what I have to say and won't get help. At this point I don't know what to do anymore and I feel like I'm going to go crazy if things don't change soon.

  • #2
    Thank you for reaching out to 2ndFloor. The first thing I will say is that if there is child abuse or neglect you can contact DCP&P, this is the Division of Child and Protection and Permanency. This is their number so that you have it 1-877-NJ ABUSE. I also want to let you know that you can contact 2ndFloor 24/7 at 888-222-2228 or text us Fridays from 4-8pm at 908-280-0235. You should not feel like you are going through this alone, we are here to help you. If it is a possibility I would recommend going to a counselor on a regular basis so that you have time to discuss these issues in further detail. When it comes to your moms drinking, unfortunately we can't force anyone to stop drinking and that can be really scary. Is there anyone else in your family you could talk to about this if your dad won't listen? Maybe an aunt or an uncle? It's important to have someone you can trust help you through this tough time. Tell them exactly how you are feeling. Also when your mom gets like this, go to your room or a place you find safe. If you don't have a place like this try creating one. This way when you know her behavior is going to begin affecting you or you see she is going to take it out on you, you can go to this place. The things your mom says to you aren't true and I hope you understand that. You are going through a lot and 2ndFloor Youth Helpline wants to help you in anyway that we can. Remember I provided our information above so call us anytime! or text us! Together we can help you to get through this.


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