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i have a crush on this girl

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    Guest replied
    Putting yourself out there is hard but you can do it! Sometimes something beautiful can come out of it such as a relationship or even a good friendship. By putting yourself out there you'll build confidence and you can say that you tried and did all that you could in this situation. Good luck and you can do this if you choose to!

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    Guest replied
    It may seem intimidating, but you will not know how she feels about you unless you try! You don't have to ask her on a date or anything, but maybe create a friendship where you share something in common so she can begin to get to know you better! Crushes are scary but sometimes they can work out in your favor!

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    Guest replied
    I know it may seem very scary, but try to approach her. Try to be her friend and find things in common. Then take it from there. Maybe it is possible she could develop feelings for you, or the guy she likes is just a rumor. You never know unless you try! Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

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    Maybe start off by trying to just build a friendship with her and see how that goes. Maybe you'll work up the courage if you become closer with her to ask her if she does have crushes on these other people and maybe even tell her at some point how you feel about her. That does not mean that she will return the same feelings to you, but at least it would give you an opportunity to see how she feels and possibly become closer to her and enhance your relationship. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.

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    Guest started a topic i have a crush on this girl

    i have a crush on this girl

    i have a crush on this girl but shes a year older than me and im scared she doesn't like me back i know she likes this kid from virginia or something and i know she has a crush other than that too but i think she could just never like me back. i really wish i knew or that i was confident enough to tell her how i feel
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