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Best friend or boyfriend?

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  • Best friend or boyfriend?

    I am a girl and I'm 13. I have a really good group of friends that all live in my neighborhood and we hang out almost everyday. We just all became friends about a year ago but I am best friends with all of the girls in the group and they all go to my school, and I am good friends with the guys too even though the don't go to my school. One of the guys I am really close with compared to the others. Me and him text everyday and we tell each other everything and talk for hours on the phone almost everyday. I feel like I can be my self around him unlike some of the others. Recently we got closer and he is my best guy friend, but he's been acting like he wants to be more then friends. Last week I was at his house with some other people and We met his sister and our one friend introduced herself by saying "hi I'm ___ your brothers girlfriend" she was joking around to embarrass him and everyone knew that but he responded to her by saying "no I'm dating __ (me) and put his arm around me and it was a little awkward and then later that night a girl from his school told him she liked him and he didn't want to date her so he told her that he liked me but told me it was just so she would leave him alone but idk cause lately he's been acting like he does. And I don't know if I have the same feeling back? He's my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him but I think if we dated it would be kinda awkward idk but he also dated my EX best friend and he dumped her and she got really upset and hasn't talked to me since because I didn't stop talking to him but I really didn't want to because we got a lot closer and she treated me badly anyway so I don't really miss her. I don't think that's a good thing but it don't know. Do you think he likes me? What should I do? Sorry it's so long

  • #2
    Thank you for reaching out to the 2NDFLOOR! It sounds like you have an awesome friendship! Crossing the lines and dating could ruin your friendship! Remember true friendships could last a lifetime where as dating especially at your age is usually short term! If you would like to discuss this further, our support counselors are available 24 hours a day , 7 days a week. 1(888) 222-2228


    • #3
      Boy friend less

      All of my friends have boyfriends but I think I like their boyfriend. She's not really my friend and it don't think they even like each other how could I steal him from her?


      • #4
        Attempting to figure out ways to "steall" someone else's boyfriend or girlfriend is usually a bad choice. It is difficult to do this without most people knowing what you are up to. When they find out the result is bad: you getting a reputation for stealing boyfriends and this being spread throughout your grade or school. In addition, this many times results in bad feelings between parties and could result in an insult war, bullying or even a physical altercation. All of this is NOT GOOD! Please call 2nd Floor at 888-222-2228 to speak to one of our support counselors to discuss better choices when it comes to meeting boys and dating. Thanks!

        2nd Floor Staff


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