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Can't get over it

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  • Can't get over it

    So there's this guy I met in October. I was hanging around a mutual friend and he started talking to me. A few days later we were at a dance together and at the end he came up to me randomly asking where he should hang out after. I invited him to hangout with me and my friends because I knew one of my friends was crushing on him and I wanted to help her out. As the night went on i thought "wait he's actually cute" but I made myself forget about it since my friend liked him. He then texted me out of nowhere that night saying he got my number. He then proceeded to ask for a picture we took after the dance (keep in mind, I barely know this kid!!) He then posted the picture on instagram and the next day I friended him on snapchat and he started snapchatting me, including a shirtless ab picture! As the next week went on me and him started talking a little more and more and I realized I was starting to like him. I told my friend who liked him and she said she was over him and it didn't bother her. Eventually, me and him became very close and I had a huge crush on him. I was planning on telling him but someone else came in the picture and I got over Him. After things ended with guy number 2, I started thinking about liking guy number one again. I knew a dance was coming up that we would both be at and I was hoping somwthing would happen there with us. My wishes came true because that night me and guy number one, also my best friend, ended up having a heated makeout sesh on the dance floor. During this, I told him I had wanted this for a long time and he told me he felt the same. I totally caught feelings again and was so happy this happened between us, even if it was just a one time thing. Later that night, he texted me to make sure I knew he didn't like me and that he didn't give me the wrong impression. I agreed and knew it was a one time thing even though I still kinda had feelings. After that night, things were a bit awkward the first day back but things were back to normal and our friendship continued as normal. The week after that, I felt him becoming distant and that bothered me but I just left it alone. Now things are normal between us and our friendship is back. However I still think about him all the time. I get jealous when i see him giving attention to other girls and liking their selfies on Instagram and silly things like that. I always catch myself starting at him and I know deep down I still have feelings for him. I also think he might think I still like him. But he made it clear he wasn't looking for a relationship with me. Now I don't know what to do. How do I get over him without losing by best friend??

  • #2
    It sounds like you have gone through a lot with this guy. Only you know the best decision for your friendship because only you have experienced it. It seems like you have two options. You can talk to him about how you feel or you can give it some time and those feelings may go away on their own. You explained once that you had feelings for someone else at one point and that could happen again. If you want to talk further, call 2NDFLOOR anytime to talk at 888-222-2228 or you can text Fridays at 908-280-0235 from 4-8pm.


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    Mad :mad: Wink ;) Stick Out Tongue :p Confused :confused: Smile :) Frown :( Embarrassment :o Big Grin :D Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes: Cool :cool: EEK! :eek:
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