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    My family moved to the United States 2 and a half years ago. It was really hard coming to a new country and having to learn the language and make new friends but my siblings and I managed. After a year I had plenty of friends and I liked living here a lot. Then two years later a guy from my English As A Second Language class asked me out. I'd like him the year before and I still liked him now just a little bit less as he had dated a girl before me. My friend Emily had a huge crush on him and pushed me to say no filling my mind with "sisters before misters". Emily wasn't even one of my greatest friends but she did and still has this way of making people feel like they are in the wrong. When Justin, the guy we both liked decided to ask me in person I had to take a cello test and I was honestly nervous. He waited outside of the orchestra room. To be honest the attention that he brought me wasn't bad either. Once I had finished my test I went outside and thankfully he was now waiting in the lobby. What I did then I'll never forget myself for doing. Emily was outside and she was my ride to a rehearsal we had at church. She told me that if I liked Justin then she would get over it but I know she wouldn't so I said "he's yours". To escape him we went out the back door and I bent down when the car passed by him. I knew I'd heart him just not right away. Weeks passed and I tried to ignore what I had done. In the meanwhile we had managed to go on a date on which I had invited as many people as possible so I wouldn't be left alone with him. The only time I talked to him was to give him orders. The beginning of this year, Justin made it into the varsity soccer team and he immediately became cooler and had new and more friends. Weeks are going by so fast and at the end of this year we are both going home to Europe in different countries of course. Each time I come close he makes up an excuse and runs away. I'm scared to talk to him because I know the only feelings he has for me now are disgust and anger. Even if he doesn't become my boyfriend I still hope to have him as a friend. But I don't know how. I'm too scared to try and talk to him. He's way out of my league now. He even went on a date with Emily and apparently tried to kiss her. Was it to hurt me? Help.

  • #2
    Sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time right now. It sounds like you should give yourself time to get over this person, so maybe you should put some space between you and him. As far as him or her doing things to hurt you, I can not say for sure, but it sounds like they were aware that you would not be happy about them dating. Listen, it sounds like this guy is just not into you and I know that might hurt, but you deserve better. You want to be with someone who wants to be with you! Keep your head up and act as if he doesn't affect you and if in the future you feel that you are over him and want to try to be friends then do it then. I hope this has helped! Call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 or you can text Fridays at 908-280-0235 from 4-8pm.


    • #3
      That's what I've been doing for months pretending that I'm okay but I'm tired of doing that. Justin's not a bad person I just know that he is really hurt and I don't know how to have him forgive me even when he pretend he already has


      • #4
        If you want to move past this then it may be time to have a discussion with Justin. It can be hard and scary, but it may help you to start feeling better. If you want to talk more call 2NDFLOOR anytime at 888-222-2228 or you can text Fridays at 908-280-0235 from 4-8pm.


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