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My boyfriend posted online the nudes i sent to him

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  • My boyfriend posted online the nudes i sent to him

    i always had problems with my mom and she would always make me feel useless, ugly, fat, and stupid and one day i downloaded an app to make friends. i meet a guy an he would make me feel pretty, hot, enough for him and one day he asked me to do a video for him doing sexually things i didn't hesitate cause i really liked him and he said if i really loved him i would do it even though i didn't show my face because i knew what could happend but then he asked me to show my face and he convinced me to do it by telling me how i was the hottest girl, how pretty i was and how good i would look with my face on the video so i did it but right after i did he saved the videos and the he told me if i didn't cashapped him an amount of money he would sent it to my school and my family and i just couldn't accept it and i just didn't know what to do so i just blocked him and reported him on the app and i got scare od what could happend at school the next day but nothing happend so i just tried to ignore it and well it got better for m mental health until the police appear at my school and called me down and i was like what's going on what did i do and the police show me my face on the video that i sent to the boy and they asked me if i was posting those videos and everything came back to my mind i didn't wanted to say anything cause i was scare and at the end i ended up saying everything and they are gonna help me they didn't tell my parents but i need t confess or make like an interview to acuuse him for what he did. but i lost the number that they gave me and i don't know what to do and they haven't called me and i really don't know what to do and im scare.

  • #2
    I am sorry that this happened to you but I hope you can learn from it. I am not sure how old you are but this is considered illegal. Please contact your school counselor so they can help you report him. No one should post anything like this on the internet or through text. Sometimes even if you feel you know someone and that they would never hurt you, as you can see you never really know. Please get some support and you can always call or text 2ndfloor too. Our number is 888-222-2228. Good luck.


    • #3
      Thank you and i did talked with my councelor and we already reported him he and I are both underage and i'm so scared and worried that the police haven't called me and my parents doesn't lnow anything abut this and i don't want them to find out and i don't think they would care anyways


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