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Tourette Syndrome

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  • Tourette Syndrome

    Hey 2ndfloor,
    I have Tourette Syndrome and this sucks! It's like I was cursed at birth to have nothing but a sucky life. I'm overall pretty normal (except for being transgender ftm but people accept that more). I act like your typical teenage boy. Video games, biking, being gentleman-like, and guitar are my life. But I am still a girl who gets a period. My tics are usually mild but when it gets to that time of month, they get really really bad. Kids at school already make fun of me when they are mild. all i usually do is a low grunt every couple minutes but even then nobody wanted to sit next to me, they'd call me names, they'd say "who's making that noise?" and "stop making that noise.", some people mimic me. This is bad because that's when they are mild. Now that time of the month is coming and i cant stop making these loud obnoxious noises and facial twitches. Great timing for this too (sarcasm) because it is the end of the marking period and we have so many tests. Tests=quiet classrooms. my teachers know or at least should know about my tics. I don't want to be put back in special ed. I'm really smart for even the normal classes but my damn tics keep making it hard to do any homework or any simple things that i like to do like playing video games, and guitar. I think that my teachers think that i'm just being lazy which urks me because it is actually really hard for me to get a simple task done because i need to constantly stop, twitch, and restart.My brother also makes fun of me and will mimic me always and tells me to shut up when i'm ticcing which is a real pain in the ass cuz he also has tourettes. i wonder what the hell is going through his mind when he tells me to shut up. I mean, he cant shut up if i told him to. logic=there is none.
    I only see one bright side and that is that people in my grade from my home town are used to my tics and it doesn't bother them cuz we grew up together. but alas, my grade from my hometown is only 8% of the entire high school.
    Another good thing is today, a guy who is my former best friend's (they moved but came back. we drifted) brother who is usually an arrogant jerk was actually really nice to me in class when people started asking who was making the noises. He sits in front of me and they started blaming him for the noises. He could have easily ratted me out because he knew it was me but he just said that it wasn't him. then the teacher asked and he raised his hand as if to have a question the test and when the teacher came over, he explained to him quietly that it was me and that i cant help it.
    PS> I know my grammar and spelling is bad. Can you blame me? tourettes, 9:30pm, and rage typing...

  • #2
    First off, let me say that I am sorry that people are being cruel to you for having Tourette’s Syndrome. It sounds like the one former best friend was a good support system for you that day. Now, as far as you stating that you are going to be having testing soon and you are concerned about making noise, then you should address it with your teachers. This does not mean that you will have to be put back into special education classes permanently but for testing purposes only. Speak to your parents and they can speak to the teacher as well. Stress can make tourettes worse and if you are already stressing about your ticks before the tests start than more than likely they will only get worse. So to be proactive, discuss what your alternatives you have during testing.
    Also, your teacher should be told that you are being harassed for something that is out of your control! It is the teacher’s job to make you feel safe in your school environment. There are strict laws against bullying and this sound like some of the kids are being extremely incentive about your condition. Your teacher should address those students head on so you do not feel uncomfortable. Lastly, it is okay to stand up for yourself. If your classmates are being incentive or cruel about your tick, you might want to say to them, "I cannot control my tick, but you can control your nasty words and I don't see controlling that." It must be very challenging to have to handle all of your school work and then have to deal with mean people. Keep your head up and don’t feel bad about yourself. We are all different! If you ever want to talk further, call 2NDFLOOR @ 888-222-2228. You can also check out a website called Bully Stoppers @ as well. Good Luck with everything!
    Last edited by 2NDFLOOR; 11-06-2013, 11:18 AM.


    • #3
      School Tho...

      My mom emailed my case manager already. I just don;t wanna go back to school now though. The people that are mimicking me I'm sure are not trying to bully me. I make a lot of jokes and i think that they think that I am trying to be funny. I don't want to have to deal with educating people anymore. I hate this! Why can't I just not be loud and not twitch to the point where I am hurting myself. They get so bad that sometimes I'll get bruises or soreness from uncontrollably tensing my muscles. I've tried all of the medicines out there and doctors cant find one that works


      • #4
        I have tics associated with OCD and it's literally like being tortured my psychiatrist put me on intuiv and it made it worse


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