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  • help

    I am 14. I feel so sad. All the time. I don't know what's going on. I can't be around people, I get so nervous and shakey. Why? I don't know. I burn myself. It hurts, I use my hair straightener, it feels so good to relieve the pain. I know I need help but my parents would never understand, it's impossible to talk to them. They don't underage me and they don't help. They add to it all. I hate myself. Help.

  • #2
    I am so sorry that you feel the way you do. Dont feel that you are alone, everyone always feels nervous and shakey when they are around people, especially if you do not really know them. There are other outlets to relieving that internal pressure you feel that makes you yourself, such as journaling, listening to music, exersicing, drawing or anything that distracts, especially if it is an activity that you like. I can also suggest a great website that you can go to called the butterfly project which consists of kids who like you hurt themselves to relieve pressure. It also has a blog where you can talk to other kids like you. I also would suggest talking to your guidance counselor at school, they are there to help you. I also think that if you tell your parents of your pain they would get you the help you need. I am sure they love you and care for you but you have to let them know whats going on and ask them that you would like to see a therapist or a mental health provider. You can always call us here at 888 222-2228 and talk to one of our counselors. Please call us because you are not alone!


    • #3
      You could also have a trusted adult like an aunt, uncle, etc. talk to your parents with you.


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