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Bumble BFF doesn't work :(

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  • Bumble BFF doesn't work :(

    Hey! For context: 23 YO female
    I'm looking to make friends, so someone suggested bumble bff. I understand there are other ways to make friends, which I'm actively exploring as well, but this conversation pertains only to my experience with this app.
    It's just so frustrating because you match with people, but none of them actually (a) make efforts to meet up, (b) many ghost and never return, or (c) some just do not say anything and thus the match expires and I do not want to spend money just to rematch for people who may not even respond. (or should I?)

    How can I go about this in a healthy way? Some people leave their Instagram accounts, so I follow them and try to establish some kind of connection, and in that, I feel obsessive. They respond positively, but again, ghosting and we're talking like a week! I know the whole spiel of being busy; I am too. But if you're going to claim to want to make friends, that also comes with some sort of active effort.
    Like when people leave their Instagram handles, should I bother taking that extra mile and contacting them, or does it mean they aren't even serious about friendships if they do not respond on Bumble.
    I am hoping you provide me *with something* so that I can derive my conclusions, but giving advice could also be really helpful

  • #2
    Thanks for reaching out. That is frustrating! It sounds like a really cool app/concept. Do you think you’re trying to hang out too soon after just starting to talk and get to know these potential friends? It also could just be that you have to match with many friends before one actually works. That seems to be similar to dating apps from what I hear… you can match with many and talk and make plans and so forth but it could take going through a bunch before that actually happens. I’m not sure how long you have been trying to make friends through the app, but that could possibly be another factor. For example, if it’s only been a few weeks versus months. Some things just take time. So depending on that piece you may want to give it up so you’re not wasting your money or just keep trying. There has to be someone on there that takes it seriously and are not just on there wasting time! If you would like to talk about this with us further you can call or text our 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline. We are here 24/7 at 888-222-2228. Good luck!


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    Mad :mad: Wink ;) Stick Out Tongue :p Confused :confused: Smile :) Frown :( Embarrassment :o Big Grin :D Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes: Cool :cool: EEK! :eek:
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