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Toxic or nah

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  • Toxic or nah

    Welcome to the pilot episode of "Toxic or nah!" On this episode we will be discussing Charlie. To give a little backstory, I met Charlie over the summer before entering a new school. I thought it was good to have met someone prior to starting so I would have a friend. In the beginning of the year, Charlie and I were really close and I thought she was really fun and sweet. As the year went on I hung out with other people and not with her as much. I got really close with a girl named Milli and we started to hang out a lot during school and FaceTime after school. I had a feeling Charlie didn't like her but I wasn't sure. When I was hanging out with Charlie and a few other people, she pulled me aside and asked why I was friends with Milli, said how much she hated her, and said she was a bad influence on me. Side note: Milli isn't a bad influence, so I don't understand why she would say that. Sure she may have interests that are different from the social norms, but Charlie and I do as well. Charlie also tries to be with any guy I say I like. She also says how hot she is and acts like she is above my friends and I. Finally, she calls me stupid, slow, crazy, and annoying. I don't know what to think of Charlie. So... Toxic or Nah??

  • #2
    Hello. It sounds like you have worries about Charlie and the intentions she may have. It’s not for me to say whether Charlie is toxic or not. You would know more about the friendship to be able to feel that or say that. I would encourage you to trust your gut and if you feel that the relationship is not working then you can always do something about it. If you want to talk more, text or call 2NDFLOOR at 888-222-2228.


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    Stick Out Tongue :p Confused :confused: Smile :) Frown :( Embarrassment :o Big Grin :D Mad :mad: Wink ;) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) :rolleyes: Cool :cool: EEK! :eek:
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