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Boy Trouble

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  • Boy Trouble

    Basically, my favorite cousin(male) has this friend who I had a crush on. We ended up dating and he was a great boyfriend, I just felt like we had too much in common and it felt like I was dating myself. He just didn't bring ut another side of me as I thought he would (And expected him to). I ended up breaking up with him and I shared this with a few friends from school and they said I was doing the right thing, not leading him on. Then I confided in my best friend, who I trust with my life, and she says I'm just being extra (which I know that I usually am). Even though I usually am dramatic to be silly this was for real. I rushed it off because to me it isn't too serious, we'd only dated for about a month ( He was also super clingy which is good to an extent). Then he texts me asking me why I broke up with him and I simply said that he wasn't my type and I didn't want to lead him on because it would only end badly, which is true. Did I do the right thing?????

  • #2
    You didn't do anything wrong at all. You are allowed to date whomever you want or not date people you don't feel like dating. You are also allowed to break up with anyone, at anytime, for any reason you want. Your friends can have opinions on your actions, but ultimately you have to do what makes you happy and content in life. Call or text us anytime at 888-222-2228.


    • #3
      I have family And friends issues and dating and I need help


      • #4
        I am sorry to hear that you are having some issues. If you would like to talk about it please reach out to 2ndfloor by text or phone. Our number is 888-222-2228.


        • #5
          Bruuuuuuuuuuuh you had so much in common which was good. You've could've done sooooo many things that you've liked in common together T^T T^T Man you didn't do ANYTHING WRONG.


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